The Color

There are two different sectors of colors which differ with Printers and the one we see on display monitors. An offset and digital printing use CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) color format whereas our computer screens use RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) format.

Why RGB Colors need to be converted

The RGB scheme has a greater range of colors than CMYK and can produce colors that are more vivid and vibrant. The color variants in RGB are beyond the range of CMYK to reproduce which will result in Darker and dull Print. RGB colors will not necessarily appear in print you see on your display monitor. A CMYK artwork when printed would replicate the same image as you see in your monitor hence for accurate printing we recommend you to convert the RGB format to CMYK.


All images or graphics contained within the artwork should be 300dpi or more at the size to avoid pixilated printing. (Fuzzy & Unclear) Images sourced from the web are usually low resolution (72dpi) and are generally unsuitable for printing. If you are unsure of your image resolution feel free to email your file to our designers who would best assist you.

If you are unsure of your image resolution feel free to email your file to our designers who would best assist you. If you have any clarifications or design assistance please E-mail your queries to